Do You Struggle with Mucus Build-Up in Your Lungs?

A small portion of this at breakfast helps

people over 50 enjoy daily relief from lung mucus…

Add this "Mucus-Clearing Elixir" to your daily routine to easily and completely cleanse your lungs every morning…

Have you ever poured Drano down a clogged drain…

And watched in amazement as weeks, months,

Or even YEARS of built-up debris suddenly cleared away…

And the drain finally started flowing freely again?

Well, if you’re not able to clear the mucus from your lungs as often as you’d like…

❌ If you feel like your chest is constantly congested…

❌ And that build-up is causing discomfort and stress…

❌ Making it harder for you to breathe freely, affecting your energy…

❌ Leaving you feeling tired, weighed down, and unable to fully catch your breath…

I want to introduce you to a simple yet powerful supplement with exclusive, secret ingredients you can incorporate into your daily routine…

It acts like a

"Natural Drano" for your lungs…

Dissolving and clearing away the stubborn mucus clogging your airways and making it difficult to breathe.

And yet, it’s one of the healthiest supplements on the planet…

It helps you clear mucus from your lungs every morning, easily and completely…

✅ So you can feel lighter, energized, and breathe freely…

✅ Reduce discomfort and stress caused by congestion, making you feel calmer and more relaxed…

✅ And enjoy peaceful, deep breaths, free from the tightness and heaviness of mucus build-up…

Just add it to your morning routine with your coffee, tea, oatmeal, or smoothie.

In fact, even as you read this…

People around the world are using this lung-clearing supplement

to become "clear breathers"…

And they’re THRILLED to discover that…

✅ Their mucus build-up is becoming less frequent and much easier to clear…

✅ The tightness and heaviness in their chest is fading, making it easier to breathe…

✅ Their moments of easy, clear breathing happen more often…


✅ They feel significant relief, allowing them to enjoy the peace and energy they’ve been longing for…

✅ They feel more energized and able to focus, as their airways are finally clear of congestion…

Enjoying "clear lungs," as I’ve described above, might seem like an impossible dream right now.

But I assure you, it’s absolutely possible…

And much easier than you think…

In fact, it’s scientifically proven that what I’m about to reveal to you…

✅ Antioxidant supplementation has been shown to significantly reduce mucus build-up and the discomfort it causes, providing meaningful relief for those suffering from respiratory issues. Clinical trials have demonstrated that antioxidant use can improve lung function and reduce congestion severity...

✅ Patients receiving antioxidant treatments reported a notable reduction in the heaviness of their chest, helping them feel less irritated and improving their overall quality of life...

✅ Additionally, research suggests that antioxidant supplementation improves blood circulation to the lungs, protecting against oxidative stress and supporting long-term respiratory health...

Now, you might think,

this all sounds too good to be true...

But I promise, I’ll show you all the research…

All the evidence from leading universities…

And I’ll even introduce you to people who have cleared their lungs of mucus and are now "breathing freely" after trying what I’m about to share with you...

"I had been struggling with mucus buildup for years, and this solution was the only thing that really made a difference. By the second week, I started to notice a significant improvement."
Carmen L.
"I tried several treatments, but nothing worked as I hoped. This supplement was a game changer. I've been using it for three months now, and my lungs feel clearer than ever. I'm so happy!"
Sonia B.
"I thought I’d have to live with constant congestion forever, but this supplement changed everything. The tightness in my chest has drastically reduced, and I feel so much more at ease."
Thomas H.

Best of all, all of this can happen...

• WITHOUT the need for invasive medical procedures…

• WITHOUT having to use uncomfortable and expensive respiratory devices all day…

• And WITHOUT resorting to medications that may have undesirable side effects…

In fact...

This new discovery makes traditional lung-clearing solutions and medications

completely unnecessary...

Because it addresses the root cause—the mucus buildup— that makes breathing difficult and congested…

❌ Where devices only mask the problem without treating the underlying cause…

❌ Where medications can disrupt your body’s natural balance…

❌ And where other solutions simply don’t offer long-term relief.

I promise, I’ll show you EXACTLY how dissolving and clearing this mucus works (along with tons of scientific research)

HOW it works (along with tons of scientific research)...

And why it can transform your life, just like it did mine.

But first…

I have to tell you an

embarrassing story...

We were at a wedding rehearsal dinner, and I had just finished eating.

It had been about 4 days since the last time I experienced a moment of truly clear breathing...

I knew there was a high risk that the congestion in my chest would suddenly intensify...

But I knew where the exits were…

Because I always know where the exits are in any public place...

So I thought I’d be fine.

About 5 minutes later, I felt that infamous "tightness surge," a warning sign that my congestion was about to get much worse...

So I started quickly heading towards the exit...

And when I was halfway there...



My eyes widened in panic as I internally screamed…



At that moment, I can’t even describe the panic I felt.

I left as quickly as I could…

Keeping my composure as best as possible…

And rushed towards the nearest exit…

Which was about 100 yards away, at the closest restaurant.

But halfway there, a couple passed by me…

So I tried to act normal, pausing for a moment to greet them…

And I immediately knew I had made a huge mistake.

Because just a few steps ahead…

Everything intensified...

The tightness in my chest became overwhelming, and I could barely catch my breath.

I felt like I just wanted to give up and collapse.

❌ The embarrassment...

❌ The humiliation...

❌ The disgust with myself for letting this happen...

❌ The fear of being ridiculed for the rest of my life...

It was too much to bear.

I felt like the main character in some sick, twisted movie, watched and mocked by everyone.

But I couldn’t just stand there on the street and cry…

So I ran to the nearest restaurant where I was headed…

Straight to the bathroom, where I had to calm myself down…

Covering my chest as best I could…

And called my husband to leave the rehearsal dinner and come pick me up.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced something so embarrassing…

But having a severe congestion attack…

In public…

As an adult…

Is one of the most humiliating experiences you can go through.

And that day…

I decided to make sure it never happened again.

So in the years that followed, I tried to find…

every possible solution...

First, I tried about a dozen different lung-clearing supplements on the market…

After all, that’s what my doctor had told me.

But after some research, I discovered that most conventional supplements are NOT a complete solution…

And, frankly, are toxic to your body!

Most of them contain a common ingredient called eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus oil is used to help open up the airways.

But there are some risks you might not be aware of.

For example…

❌ It can cause your blood pressure to spike and increase the risk of respiratory issues, especially if not used correctly…

❌ It can worsen mucus buildup in some individuals, and even cause an allergic reaction in sensitive people…

❌ Most products contain toxic chemicals, genetically modified ingredients, sugars, artificial sweeteners, and unknown amounts of artificial flavors, colors, fillers, and other dangerous ingredients…

Then I tried using medications…

And quickly realized why they should be avoided

at all costs…

Medications work by forcing your body to overreact.

Personally, I hated having to even try them…

Because they’re unnatural and have severe long-term consequences.

I prefer using products that work WITH my body and help address the root cause of the problem…

And that’s precisely what medications don’t do. They don’t dissolve the mucus blocking your airways, meaning they only mask the problem without resolving it.

Instead of giving your body what it needs to help restore respiratory normalcy…

They simply slam on the gas pedal.

Your body becomes lazy and lets the medication do all the work...

Leading to dependency.

This requires you to continually increase the dosage the longer you use them…

And further increases your risk of serious complications.

In fact, doctors at the renowned Mayo Clinic recently warned…

"If you take certain medications for weeks or months, they can reduce your body’s natural ability to manage lung congestion, and in severe cases, even worsen the symptoms. Overuse of these medications can damage the respiratory system, leading to further complications."

So medications should clearly only be used in severe cases and temporarily…

And only if your doctor prescribes them.

So once again, I was faced with something that only partially worked…

And was destroying my health.

So I kept searching and trying every suggestion anyone gave me.

That’s when I had a conversation with an amazing nurse

that would change my life…

Her name is Miria Santana...

I was introduced to her after complaining to a friend about my constant lung congestion problems.

Miria Santana is a nurse specializing in elderly care.

She has dedicated her life to learning how the body works…

And follows a unique approach that very few modern nurses have.

Since she tends to see things that others can’t…

I decided to ask her what I was missing.

After explaining my years-long issues with mucus buildup…

And how I had tried everything without success…

She just smiled...

Have you ever had someone consult you with a problem, and as soon as you realized you knew the answer, you just smiled because you knew how you could help?

That’s exactly what she did.

And after I finished speaking, she said...

"Ayla, I’m sorry for laughing, but everything you’ve told me was doomed to fail from the start. Not many people know this, but most conventional solutions for what you’re experiencing don’t address the root of the problem, so they REALLY CAN’T work. The reason you’re still suffering is because of the buildup of mucus in your lungs that is blocking your airways, making it harder to breathe."

So naturally...

I asked her to explain what was going on...

She then explained the whole process to me,

how mucus buildup happens...

The real problem lies deep in your lungs, where mucus accumulates over time, clogging your airways and restricting your ability to breathe freely. This buildup traps allergens, bacteria, and toxins, which can lead to persistent congestion and discomfort.

Over time, this excess mucus hardens and becomes difficult to clear.
When this happens, your airways narrow, making each breath feel shallow and strained.

This continuous buildup overwhelms your respiratory system, making you feel congested and out of breath, even when you try to breathe deeply.

Recent studies show that mucus buildup is the real cause of many respiratory issues. Once this mucus hardens, it doesn't dissolve on its own.

That’s why no matter how many treatments you try—whether it's steam therapy, medications, or even breathing exercises—none of them can fully clear your lungs unless they target the root cause: the mucus itself.

As long as this mucus buildup is there, breathing will remain difficult. Traditional treatments only mask the symptoms.

If left untreated, this buildup doesn’t just cause more congestion. Over time, it can lead to more serious complications, such as chronic respiratory issues.

Even worse, this continuous congestion can disrupt your energy levels, leading to fatigue, weakness, and even a weakened immune system.

That’s why dissolving and clearing this mucus is so important. Once the mucus is cleared, your respiratory system can return to normal, and you’ll be able to breathe freely again.

And here’s the very important part…

The SPEED of this process determines how pleasant or frustrating your respiratory experience is...

You see, on the walls of your lungs and airways are mucus-producing glands…

Which are responsible for generating the mucus that lines and protects your respiratory system. However, when these glands overproduce mucus, it becomes thick and sticky, clogging your airways.

The scientific definition of this process is:

"The overproduction of mucus, leading to the obstruction of air passages, which hinders normal respiratory function."

To put it more simply…


"Buzz Train"!

This process literally carries the mucus out of your lungs like a train…

As the mucus is softened and dissolved, your lungs can expel it more easily, helping you breathe clearly and comfortably.

If you’ve ever felt that tightness in your chest after a meal, it’s NOT a sign of indigestion...

It’s actually your "breath train" at work, trying to clear the mucus blocking your airways.

But what’s really important is that this process doesn’t stop the persistent buildup of mucus that continues to clog your lungs, making breathing difficult and uncomfortable.

Those are the moments...

that dreams are made of...

They only last about 30 to 60 seconds...

🔵 They occur in most people once or twice a day...

🔵 They emerge smooth and fluid, with a sensation of "complete relief"...

🔵 And they require minimal effort, with no need to struggle or spend 10 minutes coughing to finally feel clear...

When he told me this, I could barely contain my excitement.

Because I realized...

Solving this mucus problem

was the "missing link"

I had to focus on dissolving that stubborn mucus buildup.

If I could just get my lungs clear...

✅ I could finally go out in public without fear of a coughing fit...

✅ I would finally eliminate the heavy feeling in my chest that makes me feel like I’m always congested...

✅ I would finally have confidence, knowing I could breathe deeply and freely again…

✅ I would finally be able to feel "clean" and refreshed in just a few seconds, without my lungs feeling tight or sore…

I might even get rid of the annoying and embarrassing congestion I’ve dealt with for years!

And then Miria told me...

A perfect "lung cleaning" requires proper lung function...

Which means eliminating the harmful mucus buildup clogging your airways

and that’s exactly what these capsules do — dissolve the mucus every day.

And that’s it.

No need for a complicated training program (though exercise helps)...
No difficult diets (though you should always eat healthy)...
And no need for complex treatments.

That’s the "recipe" for perfect lung "cleaning."

Pretty simple, right?

1️⃣ Take a simple capsule daily with a powerful blend of ingredients designed to dissolve and clear mucus…

2️⃣ Help your body eliminate the root cause of the congestion and improve lung function…

3️⃣ And speed up your recovery as your airways clear and your breathing becomes effortless…

and VOILÁ!

You can enjoy clear, easy breathing every day.

But the good news is…

There’s an easy method that teaches the exact preparation of these capsules that, if taken correctly, brings excellent results in just a few days.

That’s why I’d like to introduce to you...

The capsule formulated with the right blend of ingredients has shown to have a direct impact on ALL areas of your health, including:

✅ Dissolving and clearing the mucus that is the root cause of respiratory issues...

✅ Supporting a healthy immune system...

✅ Increasing your energy and making you feel lighter...

✅ Maintaining a positive mood...

✅ Suppressing respiratory allergies...

✅ Helping you maintain a healthy weight...

✅ Helping you sleep better by reducing nighttime congestion...

✅ Supporting healthy lung function...

✅ And, of course, helping to reduce coughing, chest tightness, and other lung-related discomforts by addressing the true cause—mucus buildup.

I started taking it that day...

And just TWO days later, my breathing had regularized, and my lungs felt clearer than they had in years.

Every breath was smooth, clean, and easy...

In other words: perfect breathing!

So I started telling my friends, who also suffered from congestion...

And they asked me to share the method!

So, together with Miria, we joined forces and developed a formula that incorporates everything from the method, making it accessible to our friends. This formula works by addressing the root cause of lung congestion—dissolving and clearing mucus—and helping your body restore natural lung function.

I couldn’t believe how well it worked for so many people.

The results came FAST,

usually within just a few days...

People could breathe better than ever...

And the word spread.

And after receiving requests from family... friends... and even strangers...

I finally decided to make it available to the public.

We called it...


And I guarantee it will help you enjoy clear, effortless breathing daily.


OXY2CLEAR is a revolutionary and EXCLUSIVE solution!

I've already shown you why it works so well...

And as I mentioned before, our goal was to develop a complete method...

I wanted it to be something that improved every aspect of your respiratory health.

We thought of every detail and perfected it...

With Oxy2Clear, you’ll experience:

Rapid relief from persistent lung congestion, thanks to its powerful formula that dissolves and clears stubborn mucus buildup.

Improved lung function and reduced inflammation, allowing your respiratory system to recover and function properly.

Enhanced energy and focus, as you’ll no longer feel weighed down by congestion and difficulty breathing.

Long-term respiratory health, preventing the return of mucus buildup and helping protect your lungs from further issues

How can I access this solution?

This treatment has arrived in the country under the name Oxy2Clear, and it is only available for purchase through the official website, which will be provided below.

This formula is made with carefully selected natural ingredients, each backed by scientific studies to ensure their effectiveness in addressing mucus buildup and supporting overall lung health.

How does it work?

Oxy2Clear combines the best natural extracts that are proven to dissolve mucus and improve lung function. By targeting the root cause of lung congestion, Oxy2Clear provides lasting relief, not just a temporary fix.

Within a few days of using Oxy2Clear, most people experience a noticeable reduction in the intensity and frequency of their congestion. And within a few weeks, they report complete relief from the tightness and discomfort.

Inside every capsule of "CLEARTONE" you'll find:


An amino acid that supports the production of nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels, improving circulation and oxygen flow throughout the body. It plays a vital role in promoting better respiratory function by facilitating the supply of oxygen to the lungs.


A key compound in the energy-producing Krebs cycle, it supports cellular energy production and helps with muscle recovery. This can enhance respiratory efficiency by providing cells with the necessary energy to function optimally.

L-Citrulline Malate

Known for enhancing nitric oxide production, this compound helps improve blood flow and oxygen delivery, reducing fatigue and supporting respiratory health by maximizing oxygen intake during breathing.

Gelatin (Capsule)

Used as the encapsulation material for the supplement, providing a natural and easy-to-digest casing that protects the active ingredients.

Rice Flour

Acts as a natural filler or excipient, ensuring the even distribution of active ingredients within the capsule without the need for synthetic additives.

Magnesium Stearate

A common anti-caking agent that helps prevent the ingredients from clumping together, ensuring consistency and quality during manufacturing.

Imagine being free from lung congestion and all your breathing problems, able to breathe deeply without worrying about when the next coughing fit or tightness will return.

From this moment, a healthy, lasting, and orderly cleansing begins.

And you don’t have to worry about making this decision right now.

I’ll take all the risk for you!

When you purchase OXY2CLEAR, you’ll receive an UNCONDITIONAL 60-DAY GUARANTEE.

If you don’t like what we’ve presented, simply send us an email, and we’ll refund every penny of your money.

This way, you won’t waste any more time or risk losing the discount on OXY2CLEAR.

By clicking on this buy button, you’ll be redirected to a 100% secure payment page, protected with the same guarantees as major banks.

All your data is guaranteed to be safe!

Don't waste any more time, choose your discount below and change your life forever!

I'll be waiting for you!

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